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Find answers, guides, and support for all your Leadngage needs.

Getting Started

How to get API Key from Follow Up Boss

Leadngage Profile & Social Integrations

Onboarding Steps

Begin your journey with seamless onboarding. Set up your Twilio integration, provide your Follow Up Boss API key, and more.

Follow Up Boss Integration In Action

Making a Leadngage Smart List in FUB

Embedded App in FUB Integrations

Using Leadngage in FUB Desktop

Follow Up Boss Action Plans & Automations

Setting Up Drip Action Plans

Reference Guide for Commands, Sources, and Tags

This guide will layout our entire commands list. Refer to this when needed.

Generic Buyer SMS Action Plan

Generic Seller SMS Action Plan

Buyer Drip SMS From Assistant Action Plan

Seller Drip SMS Automation From AssistantAction Plan

Birthday Text Action Plan

OPT Out Action Plan

Back to Website Action Plan

Text your leads who have revisited your website to strike a conversation.

Mass Apply Contacts to Action Plan (Database ReEngagement)

To drip apply action plans, add the tag

leadngage_action_plan to any number of contacts.

Text For Info Action Plan

Use this to get your Text For info Started


Follow Up Boss & Leadngage Command Codes

These brackets must be used EXACTLY as you see them

Action Plan Codes

[now] For SMS 9:00AM-7:30PM

[9am] For SMS 9AM-11AM

[11am] For SMS around 11AM-1AM

[1pm] For SMS around 1PM-3PM

[3pm] For SMS around 3PM-5PM

[5pm] For SMS around 5PM-7PM

[7pm] For SMS around 7PM-7:30PM

*Saturday and Sunday action plan/delayed messages will send between 11:30 am - 5 pm of your time zone, if it falls after that window then it will send the next day.

Time Delays for Instant & Action Plan SMS

[15min] 15 minute delay for SMS

[1hr] 1 hr delay for SMS

[2hr] 2 hour delay for SMS

*If delay falls outside of business hours, the text will send the next business day at 9 am.

Perfect for the first marketing SMS in an Action Plan, set a delay to make it more realistic.

Stop Commands for SMS

[delete] Stops a delayed message that has not been sent OR use the FUB Leadngage Embedded App delete drop down option in the sidebar "delete SMS in queue".

[DND] Stops ALL future SMS messages from sending through the back end. If sent, your texts will still show in FUB & count towards your message credits, but will not process in the back end.

Commands for Delayed SMS

  • [15min] 15 minute delay for SMS

  • [1hr] 1 hr delay for SMS

  • [2hr] 2 hour delay for SMS

If delay falls outside of business hours, the text will send the next business day at 9 am.

Perfect for the first marketing SMS in an Action Plan, set a delay to make it more realistic.

Time Commands for Action Plans

Add one of the following commands to your SMS Action Plans in place of the [SMS] command.

  • [11am]

  • [1pm]

  • [3pm]

  • [5pm]

  • [7pm]

Add a note with [delete] to stop a delayed message that has not yet sent or use the FUB Leadngage Embedded App "Delete sms in queue" drop down option in the sidebar.

FUB App: Message Codes

  • FB: Facebook instant response

  • IG: Instagram instant response

  • SMS: Instant SMS

Use the codes Above when sending replies in the FUB App. Create a note and start it will one of the following codes based on the channel the lead messaged you from and it will convert to a message.

STOP Commands for SMS

  • [delete]: Cancels a scheduled message that hasn’t been sent yet. Alternatively, you can use the “delete SMS in queue” option in the Leadngage Embedded App sidebar.

Use Cases:

1. It’s 10 am and you talked to a lead, but you have an 11 am message set to send that you need to cancel.

2. You set a text to send in 30 days but talked to the lead before then and need to cancel the text.

  • [DND]: Stops all future SMS messages from being sent. Note that texts will still show in Follow Up Boss (FUB) and count towards your message credits, but won’t be processed.

Use Cases:

1. A lead opts out of texts. To stay compliant, use the [DND] command to stop future marketing texts from reaching them.

2. You don’t want a lead to receive marketing texts from your Leadngage number. Set up automations to apply [DND] for specific new stages or tags.

Tag Triggers

Use these triggers to do powerful things with our system

  • leadngage_action_plan - Use this Tag to mass apply action plans in FUB. By adding this tag and setting up the automation in FUB, our system will drip the leadngage_action_plan_start tag back to FUB at a default rate of 100 per day to trigger your FUB automation [see video & automation template above Mass Apply Contacts to Action Plan (Database ReEngagement)] .

  • leadngage_transfer - For Automation plan users, You can transfer contacts in bulk from Follow Up Boss to Leadngage for bulk texting or adding to automations.

    **Note that bulk transfers are marked as low priority and may take time to process depending on server traffic.

  • fb_ads_leadngage_add - For Automation plan users, use this tag in FUB to mass apply or via action plans to send contacts to your Facebook Ads Pixel

  • fb_ads_leadngage_remove - For Automation plan users, use this Tag to remove contacts from facebook custom audiences

  • review_request - For sending review requests to your clients. Sends automatic text.

  • voice_drop_leadngage - For Automation plan users , add this tag in FUB to trigger sending Voice Drops to a list of contacts on demand.

    • Additional supported voice drop tags in FUB: voice_drop_leadngage_1, voice_drop_leadngage_2, voice_drop_leadngage_3, voice_drop_leadngage_4, voice_drop_leadngage_5

    • Make sure to customize each workflow with your voicemail

    • Default settings for voice drops is daily from 9 am - 7:30 pm of your Leadngage account time zone

Commands for Delayed SMS

  • [15min] 15 minute delay for SMS

  • [1hr] 1 hr delay for SMS

  • [2hr] 2 hour delay for SMS

If delay falls outside of business hours, the text will send the next business day at 9 am.

Perfect for the first marketing SMS in an Action Plan, set a delay to make it more realistic.

Time Commands for Action Plans

Add one of the following commands to your SMS Action Plans in place of the [SMS] command.

  • [11am]

  • [1pm]

  • [3pm]

  • [5pm]

  • [7pm]

Add a note with [delete] to stop a delayed message that has not yet sent or use the FUB Leadngage Embedded App "Delete sms in queue" drop down option in the sidebar.

FUB App: Message Codes

  • FB: Facebook instant response

  • IG: Instagram instant response

  • SMS: Instant SMS

Use the codes Above when sending replies in the FUB App. Create a note and start it will one of the following codes based on the channel the lead messaged you from and it will convert to a message.

STOP Commands for SMS

  • [delete]: Cancels a scheduled message that hasn’t been sent yet. Alternatively, you can use the “delete SMS in queue” option in the Leadngage Embedded App sidebar.

Use Cases:

1. It’s 10 am and you talked to a lead, but you have an 11 am message set to send that you need to cancel.

2. You set a text to send in 30 days but talked to the lead before then and need to cancel the text.

  • [DND]: Stops all future SMS messages from being sent. Note that texts will still show in Follow Up Boss (FUB) and count towards your message credits, but won’t be processed.

Use Cases:

1. A lead opts out of texts. To stay compliant, use the [DND] command to stop future marketing texts from reaching them.

2. You don’t want a lead to receive marketing texts from your Leadngage number. Set up automations to apply [DND] for specific new stages or tags.

Text For Info

  1. Set Up Codes:
    Choose codes from the list provided in the link below. Make sure the code is entered exactly as shown (case-sensitive). When a lead sends the code, it triggers a tag matching the code’s label.
    View the available codes here.

  2. Create Automations:
    Build an automation or action plan for each code. Ensure the tag label exactly matches the code.
    Use this example template automation to get started.

  3. Canva Templates & Other Resources:

Leadngage Embedded App shown in Follow Up Boss Right Side Bar

TCPA Compliance

TCPA Checklist

  • Do Not Contact Registry: Never text or call anyone on the National DNC Registry.

  • Quiet Hours: Avoid texting or calling contacts before 8 am or after 9 pm, local time.

  • Consent Requirements: Conversational messages require implied consent, informational messages require express consent, and sales/promotional/offer messages require express written consent.

  • Opt-Out Options: Always provide an opt-out option, such as "STOP".

  • Do Not Contact List: Maintain a "Do Not Contact" list for all business contacts.

  • Telemarketing Calls: Disconnect any unanswered telemarketing call after at least 15 seconds or four rings.

  • Things to Avoid

    • Do not text or call contacts from purchased lists.

    • Do not contact anyone who hasn't opted in.

How We Assist with TCPA Guidelines

  • Opt Out Language: First automated texts must include an opt-out option (e.g., “STOP”). If missed, the system adds “If you’d rather not be texted, just reply stop.” automatically.

  • Quiet Hours: We only send your action plan messages 9 am to 7:30 pm week days, and 11:30 am to 5 pm weekends, we skip major US holidays and send the next day.

  • Verification: Each number texted through Leadngage is verified with Twilio for a $0.005 fee. Non-textable numbers (e.g., landlines) prevent SMS costs.

More TCPA Resources

Disclaimer: Please note that this is for informational purposes only. It’s not meant to substitute for advice from qualified legal counsel. Please seek counsel prior to calling or texting your contacts. Generally, it's suggested that you always have express written consent to contact any leads. The guidelines are found here 47 CFR § 64.1200.

Additional Tips*

  • Emojis: You can copy emojis from other sources into notes or the FUB Embedded App. The Action Plan builder also supports emojis in notes.

  • Merge Fields: Merge fields only work in Action Plan notes. They do not work in manual notes or in the FUB Embedded App.

  • Facebook & Instagram Messaging: Messages can only be sent if the lead has recently contacted you (usually within 14 days of their last message).

  • Action Plans:

    • FUB automatically adds Action Plan notes at 5 AM.

    • Replies and scheduled messages convert to texts and are sent at 9 AM, unless you choose the [now] option in the action plan.

    • We recommend using [now] only for the first SMS when the action plan is assigned; otherwise, texts will go out at 5 AM.

    • Note: You can set your timezone in Leadngage.

  • Picture Notifications: You won’t be notified of pictures received in Follow Up Boss (the message will appear blank if no words are sent). However, you can send and receive pictures in the Leadngage Conversations Inbox or the Lead Connector App.

How To Reply In Fub App(without inbox apps)


Does Leadngage work with Follow Up Boss?

Yes, we offer an embedded app within the Follow Up Boss sidebar for easy access to many our features as well as the enabled drip texting within action plans! Most of our features run through FUB notes and then SMS gets converted to show as marketing text messages in FUB.

Not using Follow Up Boss? No problem, we suggest the Platform plan for access to additional features however you can still use the Messaging Plan for some of the functions.

Why do I need a Twilio account?

Twilio is the provider for your local phone number and all phone communication between systems. Once we have you set up and you share your Twilio account with us, you will only need to occasionally access Twilio to keep your card on file updated and if you want to monitor usage logs. Our team will handle the Twilio A2P 10DLC registration for you and assist with any support requests with Twilio.

See Leadngage's detailed FAQ page on Twilio Fees & Overage Charges.

Is there an extra cost per user?

There is one subscription fee for Leadngage for each master Follow Up Boss account. Your Leadngage account covers all users within your Follow Up Boss account, whether it's one or fifty users. Once enabled for one user, all users have access to the Leadngage widget and drip texting in action plan ability in FUB. You will pay additional for going over your usage limits if your team is very active in messaging. We have additional plans with higher limits or you can pay for overages as you go (see more under Twilio FAQs).

We recommend only the team owner and admin/operations manager have access to the Leadngage Platform and optional mobile app as all leads, billing, and communication can be viewed.

How does drip texting work?

Leadngage works within Follow Up Boss by adding an additional code to a note within action plans.

For example, the command code and message

[SMS] Hi %contact_first_name% This is %agent_first_name% with %company_name%. I was just notified you registered on our website and I would love to help! Are you currently in the market or just browsing? If you'd rather not be texted, reply stop.

would send a text through your Leadngage number pulling in the merge field data with the [SMS] removed. New texts on days 2 and beyond in the action plan with code [SMS] will send around 9 am

Leadngage also offers timed drip texts through action plans with commands that include 15 minute, 1 hour, and 2 hour delays and texts sent around 9 am, 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm, 5 pm, and 7 pm.

Follow Up Boss action plans drops the note onto the lead at 5 PM of your local time and sends to our system. Leadngage then sends action plan texts with bracket commands (i.e. [SMS]) between 9 am - 8 pm of your local time zone Monday through Friday, and 11:30 am to 5 pm on Saturday and Sunday. Texts scheduled for after those times on any given day will be send the following day at 9 am. We also hold action plan texts on the following holidays Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas, New Year's Eve, and New Year's Day and will deliver the text the day after the holiday.

Any manual texts you send yourself without a delay (not through the action plan) or in action plans without brackets (i.e. SMS) will send instantly without regard to the holiday or time of day.

Leadngage currently allows one action plan text per day per lead. We also suggest spacing at least one day between most texts, if there is an action plan text held from the evening or day before the 2nd text in line will be skipped.

How many social media accounts can I connect?

Social Messages to FUB

At this time Leadngage can connect to one Facebook Page and the primary business Instagram page that is connected to the Facebook page as well as one Google Business Profile. We are working on increasing that limit for message connections. These messages will be pushed into your Follow Up Boss profile and default to the account owner. You can also reply to the messages in FUB through our Leadngage widget or the mobile shortcuts in notes. You can use the tags we send to set automations if you'd like to automatically assign these message leads to another user. At this time we do not support messages to FUB from personal social media profiles.

Social Planner (Add-On for Messaging & Automation, Included with Platform)

You can connect multiple profiles, pages, groups for each source. Send posts immediately to multiple places or schedule for the future.

Supported Profiles: Facebook groups* you're an admin in (posts using your selected personal profile), Facebook Business Page & Reels. Google My Business (limited to GMBs with 10 locations or less). Linked-In Pages and Profiles. Instagram Professional Accounts including Posts, Stories, and Reels. X (formerly Twitter). TikTok personal profiles (business accounts coming soon). Both Instagram and Facebook also allow you to add the initial follow up comment which is great for initiating engagement.

*Facebook groups connection is scheduled to end in April 2024 as Facebook will no longer allow the connection through their API.

Is there a limit to how many sites I can place the web chat widgets on?

There is no limit to the number of sites you can place either the Standard Chat Widget (included in all accounts) or the Engagement Widget (Add-on) on. The Engagement Widget is limited to 5 custom pop-up welcome messages, which we can customize by url.

Does Leadngage reply to the lead responses for me?

No. We want you to be in control of the conversation. You can set up your own action plans, use our templates as a guide, or use Kee Technology Solutions for your initial automation and action plan set up. After that, you are in control of monitoring replies and choosing your responses.

Automations with Ready-to-Go FUB Action Plans

We will be sharing more automations and action plans over time that are working for us.

Want additional prewritten Drip Texting action plans & automations? Connect with our vendor partner Kee Technology

Command Codes

Use these Leadngage codes in blue directly in Follow Up Boss notes to complete the message actions noted.

You do NOT need to use the codes when using the Embedded App/Widget in the Follow Up Boss sidebar or if using the Lead Connector App.

FUB App: Message Codes

Use the codes below when sending replies in the FUB App. Create a note and start it will one of the following codes based on the channel the lead messaged you from and it will convert to a message.

  • FB : Facebook instant response

  • IG : Instagram instant response

  • GMB : Google Message instant response

  • SMS : Instant SMS

Action Plan Codes

  • [now] : 5 min Delay for SMS 9am-7:30pm

  • [SMS] : 5 min delay, sends during 9am-7:30pm

  • [FB] : Sends during 9am-7:30pm

  • [IG] : Sends during 9am-7:30pm

  • [GMB] : Sends during 9am-7:30pm

*Saturday and Sunday action plan/delayed messages will send between 11:30 am-5 pm of your time zone, if it falls after that window then it will send the next day.

Time Delays for Instant & Action Plan SMS

Commands for Instant SMS & Action Plan SMS

  • [15min] : 15 minute delay for SMS

  • [1hr] : 1 hr delay for SMS

  • [2hr] : 2 hour delay for SMS

  • If delay falls outside of business hours, the text will send the next business day at 9 am.

  • Perfect for the first marketing SMS in an Action Plan, set a delay to make it more realistic.

Advanced Time Commands for Action Plans

  • Add one of the following commands to your SMS Action Plans in place of the [SMS] command.

  • [11am]

  • [1pm]

  • [3pm]

  • [5pm]

  • [7pm]

  • Add a note with [delete] to stop a delayed message that has not yet sent or use the FUB Leadngage Embedded App "Delete sms in queque" drop down option in the sidebar.

STOP Commands for SMS

  • [delete] : Stops a delayed message that has not been sent OR use the FUB Leadngage Embedded App delete drop down option in the sidebar "delete SMS in queue".

    • Use case: 1) It's 10 am and you've talked to a lead but there is an 11 am message from an action plan set to send that you need to delete. 2) You set a 30 day delayed text but talk to them prior to that date and need to delete that text.

  • [DND] : Stops ALL future SMS messages from sending through the back end. If sent, your texts will still show in FUB & count towards your message credits, but will not process in the back end.

    • Use case: 1) Lead opts out of texts (pair with our OPT OUT Automation), stay compliant and use the [DND] command to prevent future marketing texts from reaching the lead. 2) You don't want lead to receive marketing texts from your Leadngage number (create automations to apply [DND] for certain new stages or tags)

Text for Info

Additional Leadngage FAQs & Tips

  • Emojis allowed: copy from other places to the note or FUB Embedded App. Action Plan builder has option for emojis in notes.

  • Merge Fields only work in Action Plan notes, merge fields do NOT work in manual notes or the Embedded App within Follow Up Boss.

  • Facebook & Instagram will only allow messages to be sent through our system if the user recently messaged you. Currently works for about 14 days if lead has responded.

  • ACTION PLANS: FUB adds automated action plan notes at 5 AM, replies and scheduled messages will convert to texts and sent at 9 AM unless you choose [now] in the action plan, we suggest this only for the first SMS when action plan is assigned otherwise the text will go out at 5 AM. **Note: You can set your timezone within Leadngage.

  • You will not be notified of pictures received in Follow Up Boss though any of the message options (message will show blank in FUB if no words sent), but you can send and receive pictures in the Leadngage Conversations Inbox or Lead Connector App.

  • OPT OUT Language: When your first SMS to a lead is sent through an action plan, it must contain opt out language. If you do not include the word "stop" then we will add the phrase "If you'd rather not be texted, reply stop anytime."

Use Artificial Intelligence to Write Your Action Plan

Since we're talking a lot about #ChatGPT a lot, I thought I'd share an idea with any of you that may struggle with creating email or text templates for your Action Plans.

STEP #1 - Login to ChatGPT (Yes, it's FREE) chat.openai.com or another AI bot

STEP #2 - Use the prompt, "Create an email template using conversational language that might compel a potential homeowner to consider selling their home. Include the following subject line: [INSERT ONE OF THE PROMPTS BELOW]

Want to know the secret to getting top dollar for your home?

Is your home equity working as hard as you are?

Have you considered the potential value of selling your home?Why wait?

Let's explore the opportunities in today's market.

What's holding you back from a profitable sale?

Are you aware of the current trends in your local real estate market?

Discover the hidden profits in your property with a home sale.

Would you like to know how to sell your home for maximum value?

Ready to upgrade your lifestyle?

Let's talk about selling your home.

What's your exit strategy for your property investment?

STEP #3 - Repeat the process above and instead of saying email, say TEXTING TEMPLATE**** Do this for each prompt and see what you come up with. COPY/PASTE the results into your Action Plan builder.

TCPA: Keep Your Texts Compliant

TCPA Checklist

  • Don't text or call anyone on the National DNC Registry.

  • Don't text or call a contact before 8 am or after 9 pm, local time.

  • Conversational messages require implied consent.

  • Information messages require express consent.

  • Sales, promotional, offer messages require express written consent.

  • Provide contacts with an "opt-out" like "STOP".

  • Maintain a "Do Not Contact" list for all of your business contacts.

  • Disconnect an unanswered telemarketing call prior to at least 15 seconds or four (4) rings

Things to avoid.

  • Do not text or call contacts from purchased lists of phone numbers contacts who haven't opted in.

How Leadngage Assists with TCPA

  • Opt Out: The first automated text sent using Leadngage must contain proper opt out language by adding the word stop to the first action plan message sent to a contact. If this is not added on the first delayed message, then our system will add the phrase “If you’d rather not be texted, just reply stop.” automatically.

  • Quiet Hours: Action Plan and Delayed Texts will wait to send until they’re in the 9 am - 8 pm time frame of your time zone. We have tightened up the legal quiet hours by an additional hour out of an abundance of caution and some leads may be from a bordering time zone.

  • Number Validation: The first time any number is texted through Leadngage the number is verified with Twilio for a $0.005 fee on your Twilio account. If it's a non-textable number (landline, does not exist, etc) then texts will not be sent saving you SMS costs.

More TCPA Resources

Disclaimer: Please note that this is for informational purposes only. It’s not meant to substitute for advice from qualified legal counsel. Please seek counsel prior to calling or texting your contacts. Generally, it's suggested that you always have express written consent to contact any leads. The guidelines are found here 47 CFR § 64.1200.

Mobile App (Optional)

The Lead Connector mobile app connects to your backend system of Leadngage (your Salesngage login).

NOTE: Messages sent by you in the Lead Connector App will not be recorded in Follow Up Boss and the "Leadngage Engaged" tag will not be removed to take open conversations out of your FUB Smart List.

The app can be used to call leads from your Leadngage Twilio number.

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